Japanilainen pelikauppa on epähuomiossa paljastanut tulevaa markkinointimateriaalia Gran Turismo 7 -pelistä.

Gran Turismo 7 -materiaaleista käy ilmi, että pelissä on jopa 420 autoa ja 90 rataa heti kättelyssä. Lisäksi pelin kaikilla radoilla on tarjolla realistinen sää ja olosuhteet.

Mainosaineisto listaa myös muita sellaisia ominaisuuksia mm. käytettyjen autojen markkinat ja Gran Turismo -trilogiasta tuttu kampanja, jotka paljastettiin jo aikaisemmin syksyllä:

  • Brand Central: A shopping mall which over 60 automobile brands assemble. You can purchase over 300 post-2011 cars here.
  • Used Cars Dealer: The cars which have been discontinued for a long time are lined up here. The Japanese historic cars in ’80s and ’90s are also available. The lineup would be updated every day.
  • Garage: Your base of the car life. Up to 1000 cars can be stored and you can gaze at and setup your car.
  • Tuning Shop: Engine, tire, brake, suspension etc… a huge amount of tuning parts are available. You can also purchase the supercharger, turbocharger, weight reduction and rigidity increase.
  • GT Auto: Dress up your car here. Over 130 wheels and over 600 aero parts are lined up. Oil change, car wash, painting and livery editing are also available.
  • Scapes: Over 2500 photo locations in 40 countries all over the world. Place your car in a beautiful scene and take realistic HDR photographs.
  • License Center: Learn the driving technique from scratch. You can learn from basic techniques to different drivings for each car and course.
  • Mission Challenge: 0-400m Battle, Drifting, Max Speed Challenge, ”Music Rally” which you can race to music etc… You can experience unique events that is different from ordinary racing.
  • World Circuits: World circuits such as Le Mans and Nürburgring, beloved fictional citcuits such as Trail Mountain… Over 90 layouts are in this game.