Mortal Kombat 11 -pelin seuraava päivitys tuo lahjakolikoita ja -loottia pelaajille

Seuraava Mortal Kombat 11 -päivitys pahoittelee pelaajia siitä, että osa Towers of Time -haasteista ovat olleet liian mahdottomia läpäisyyn. Samoin NetherRealm Studuios haluaa irtisanoutua mikromaksukohuista.

MK11-pelin seuraavassa päivityksessä luvataan olevan paremmat mahdollisuudet pärjätä Towers of Time -torneissa, jonka lisäksi pelaajia hemmotellaan seuraavilla lahjuksilla:

  • 500 000 Koins
  • 500 Hearts
  • 1 000 Soul Fragments
  • 1 000 Time Krystals

Ennen kuin korjauspäivitys saapuu, voit grindata Towers of Time -haasteita oheisen oppaan avulla:


Pelin viralliset korjauslistat näyttävät seuraavilta (englanninkielisenä):

PS4/ Xbox One

  • We’re aiming to release the patch early next week. This patch will include:
    • Reduce AI difficulty
    • Increased Kurrency rewards in Towers of Time
    • Thank you gift (500,000 Koins, 500 Hearts, 1,000 Soul Fragments and 1,000 Time Krystals)


  • For the Nintendo Switch, we have two patches in progress. We’re aiming to have the first patch in this series released in the next day or two.
    • Character tuning to reduce difficulty in Towers of Time
    • Reduce AI health to reduce difficulty in Towers of Time
    • Reduce effects and frequency of most difficult modifiers in Towers of Time
    • Overall improvements to stability
  • The second patch is in progress and we’ll let you know as soon as we have a release date. This update will include:
    • Reduce AI difficulty
    • Increased Kurrency rewards in Towers of Time
    • Thank you gift (500,000 Koins, 500 Hearts, 1,000 Soul Fragments and 1,000 Time Krystals)


  • For PC, we have two patches in progress. We’re aiming to have the first patch in the series released in the next day or two. This patch will include:
    • Reduce effects and frequency of most difficult modifiers in Towers of Time
    • Updates to character move values
    • Overall improvements to stability, including crash fixes in menus and navigating UI
    • Fixed a problem where the game would not load using certain keyboard configurations
    • Fixed a problem where the game would not load due to non-English characters in the Windows user name
  • We’re aiming to release the next patch in the series early next week. This patch will include:
    • Reduce AI difficulty · Increased Kurrency rewards in Towers of Time
    • Thank you gift (500,000 Koins, 500 Hearts, 1,000 Soul Fragments and 1,000 Time Krystals)


  • Character tuning to reduce difficulty in Towers of Time
  • Reduce AI health to reduce difficulty in Towers of Time